Environmental Policy

Attendable is committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

Attendable recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements.

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our services, business strategy and operating methods.

The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operating methods and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Actively promote recycling and sustainability both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers in relation to our services.
  • Source event supplies that are sustainable / eco-friendly where possible to minimise the environmental impact our services.
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
  • Use an accredited program to offset our carbon footprint, generated by our activities.

We will:

  • Comply with all regulatory requirements
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
  • Update this policy least once annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary

Contact us:

To discuss any queries related to Attendable’s environmental policy, please contact our Managing Director, Catherine Grinyer: catherine@attendable.co.uk